37/52: Sunset Hike

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The days are getting shorter. It was just a couple weeks ago that I was able to hike as late as 8:30. (At least, it feels like only a couple weeks ago.) Now 7:45 is pushing it and even earlier if I’m alone cuz hiking in the dark by yourself is scary.

My mom and I hike together once a week. This past week was super hot and humid. (We don’t do humid in southern Californis. Humidity turns us into the biggest babies you’ve ever seen. Seriously, it’s almost embarrassing except we’re so miserable we don’t care what you think.)

Despite the miserableness of it all, we’ve been getting these crazy cloud patterns and beautiful sunsets. (I’m still a sucker for a pink sky; that much hasn’t changed.) I left my phone in the car so once I saw what was happening on the horizon, I had to keep asking my mother for her phone. Which I think irritated her a little bit, but I’ve been irritating her for 33 years now, WHAT’S ONE MORE DAY.

This isn’t my favorite photo of the bunch; I posted that one on Instagram. I was gonna double dip but that felt like cheating.

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2 Responses to 37/52: Sunset Hike

  1. oceandoggy says:

    I love the long light.


  2. Pingback: 38/52: Mini Canyons | Must Stop Eating
